encoding TiVo files for your PSP
assuming you've converted your .TiVo file to a mpeg2 that starts as 720x576 with 16x9 black bars you want to get rid of (if source is not wide screen with bars just scale to 320:240 and omit the crop):
this just does it in one pass - but you could do a two pass like i showed in my previous post.
mencoder Planet_Earth-Great_Plains-20070409.mpg -oac lavc -ovc x264 -of lavf -x264encopts bitrate=384:bframes=0:global_header:level_idc=21 -ffourcc x264 -lavcopts aglobal=1:acodec=aac:abitrate=92 -af volnorm=1:.99 -vf crop=720:404,scale=368:208,harddup -lavfopts format=psp:i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames -ofps 30000/1001 -o Planet_Earth-Great_Plains-20070409.mp4
this just does it in one pass - but you could do a two pass like i showed in my previous post.
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